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Compatibility: This site has been confirmed to work in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. In order to see the libraries you must have the flsh plug-in for either of these browsers. I am unable to debug each person's computer, so please do not contact me regarding any compatibility issues you may be having.

Note: If you upgrade to new releases of Flash, then I cannot guarantee that you will be able to see the libraries. It takes time to update this site after each new flash software release.

The ::a4mods:: Crew: I perform all modifications to my vehicle myself, and do all the writeups and site maitnence whenever I find free time. This site is a hobby. With that said, I will try to answer your questions in a timely manner, but you must be aware that there is only one person behind the writeups and maitnence. The rest of the ::a4mods:: crew are members who have donated either time or money to help me build this site.

The Libraries: The original picture collection for the libraries on this site were provided bye actlsub9. They have been broken down and organized into the major subcategories. Since I did not collect the majority of the pictures, rarely will I have more information about any given car. Most cars shown here are users on commonly visitied audi discussion boards.

Vendors: The site currently has no sponsorship. My opinions in my wrietups are directly from my experience and will not be affected by any vendor relationship. I can help you find some products if you are looking for something in particular, but most of the information I have will already be provided in the writeup.

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